We Are One

The International day of Happiness, designated by the United Nations falls on the 20th of March. It signifies  the importance of happiness in people’s lives and this day has been celebrated since 2013. Considering this,  the project plan was to provide a moment of happiness to people at a time when they are not expecting it.  The project was held together with Rotaract clubs from different districts;

  • Rotaract Club of Torreón (RID  4110) 
  • Rotaract Club of Loyala Community (RID 3232) 
  • Rotaract Club of Anundh (RID 3131)

It was decided that we offer something to people (mainly service sector and public sector individuals such as  Security Guards, Police Officers, Road Cleaners, Shop Workers) who have the money to afford what we get  them but they would consider not to since they are the breadwinners of their family. Being the source of  income of their families, they do less to take care of themselves and would cherish even the momentary  happiness whenever offered. It was also planned to offer a customized card to them, thanking them for their  service and reminding them to be happy, along with the small token of appreciation we were to offer them. Later, it was decided that the project should go ahead on the 21st of March as it was the date most of the  participating clubs and project committee members were available to execute the project. The Project was  titled ‘WE ARE ONE', meaning that we are together in this world and hence we should provide the love and  care to each other. It was decided that the Rotaract Club of Wellawatte would share a packet of biscuit to the  individuals along with a personalized card.

The club was able to raise 80 biscuit packets before the event from the members within the club. Donations  were also made by club members to cover the expense of making the cards. On the project day, the members present split into three and distributed the packets to cover different areas  of Colombo. The Rotaract Club of Wellawatte was able to offer Kollupitiya, Bambalapitiya and Wellawatte  areas of Colombo. The project took place from 12PM to 2PM IST on Sunday the 21st of March, however  the clubs from other districts executed the project with different items and at a time that they felt possible  and comfortable.