Oli Vidum Deepavali

Oli Vidum Deepavali; a joint initiative by the Rotaract Clubs of Cinnamon Gardens, ICBT and Wellawatte, where the the celebration of the victory of light over darkness and evil, bringing light into the whole world  was celebrated with the blessings from the Gods on a virtual platform. Oli Vidum Deepavali was celebrated  leaving all virtual doors open for Rotaractos of different cultures and religions to join hands in celebrating  the festival of lights as one community while awaiting the grace of God Vishnu to bestow blessings of  prosperity on the Rotaract Family.

Oli Vidum Deepavali was intended to bring together Rotaractors of the organizing and other clubs to  celebrate Deepavali during their stay at home, to bring them the joy and the celebrations of Hindus to their  doorstep. It was also aimed to enlighten members of the service clubs of Rotary International and the general public on  the importance of Deepavali and its traditions. It was intended to foster unity in diversity and peace and reconciliation through the celebration of a Hindu  festival on a virtual platform with several other ethnicities. It was of vitality to create a platform for people to educate themselves on the long-held customs and culture  of the Hindus and the purposes behind such commemorations. This project also intended to bring out talent associated with rituals of holding folk dances and singing songs  of praises and much more.