Stop the Spread

In line with the District Initiative 'Stop The Spread', The Rotaract Club of Wellawatte took charge of driving  the project 'Stop the Spread with RAC Wella' among the communities in the suburbs of Colombo. The  project was split into three phases which covered three different locations and communities to ensure the  upmost value of the project is received by each one of them. 

Phase 01 of the project was held at Sri  Bodhirukkaramaya Buddhist Temple, Colombo 06 on August 03, 2020 from 03.00PM onwards. The session  covered the individuals who participated in Poya Day religious observances. We identified that most of the  visitors to the temple are senior citizens of the community and they were in need of a proper awareness of  the pandemic. The session was conducted by our very own Vice President Rtr.Dr.Prabavan who gave an  insightful understanding of the current situation of the pandemic and the responsibility each one of us have  to have as the citizens of Sri Lanka to fight this situation. The club was congratulated and thanked for their  continuous immense service to the community by the High Priest of the temple.

The Second phase of the  project was targeted on a school environment. Ramakrishna Vidyalaya in Pamankade was picked for this  session in which the club conducted the session in two episodes to ensure that social distancing is  maintained due to the lack of availability in the school to accommodate all the students under one roof.  During our sessions we were able to enlighten almost over 120 students from the school about the basics of  social distancing and self cleanliness. The club went on to donate a digital thermometer to the school as well  to ensure that the daily checks are carried out without any interference.

The final and third session of the  project was held on September 16, 2020 at St.Anthony's TMV, Colombo 14 from 1.30PM onwards. The  session was conducted by Dr.Sorubini Markandayar in which over 100 children were part of it. It was a  interactive session where the Doctor present questioned the children on the basic behaviors that should be  followed to ensure personal cleanliness. The correct steps to follow while washing their hands, sneezing and  coughing were iterated by the facilitator to the children. The club also donated 4 Gallons of hand sanitizers  for the schools daily usage. The effort was praised by the Principal, teachers and the students of the school.