It’s a Shore Thing

‘It’s A Shore Thing – Beach Cleanup’ organized by the Rotaract Club of Wellawatte partnering up with  Nithyakalyani Jewellery and Wellawatte Police was successfully completed for the second consecutive year.  Beach Cleanups are volunteer activities that take place on a regular basis along coast line around the world.  Environmental groups civic organizations and individual beach goers collect beach trash to make the beach  nicer, safer place and also to improve the coastal and ocean ecosystem. Upon the request made by the  Wellawatte Police, to safe guard the coast around the demographic area of our clubs presence we  unanimously agreed that Kinross beach would be an ideal location to conduct the activity.

Members of the  Rotaract Club of Wellawatte and the representatives from both Nithyakalyani Jewellery and Wellawatte  Police gathered around 6.00am at the Kinross Beach situated in Wellawatte. Nithyakalyani Jewellery  volunteered to offer the required safety equipment to carry out the beach cleanup at its upmost safety. All the  volunteers present followed the safety protocol by wearing the masks throughout the beach cleanup in order  to ensure their own safety and the safety of the ones who’re present. The cleaning process was carried out in  three segments. Firstly, collection of plastic bottles and non-decomposable substances separately around the  beach. Secondly, representatives from Nithyakalyani Jewellery helped to cut the overgrown grass to create  an everlasting appealing feeling towards the beach. As the third and final segment, with the help of the  Municipal authorities we disposed the collected garbage under its rightful segregation. The session  concluded with a fellowship breakfast with all the volunteers present from the three different entities.