The ceremony was kick-started at about 4.30pm on 25th July'20 at the Royal College Skills Center, Colombo 07 with the official lighting of the traditional oil lamp. Following this, the Chief Guest- President of Rotary Club of Mount Lavinia, Rotarian Dalitha Wijayawardena, Guest of Honor- Immediate Past President of Rotary Club of Mount Lavinia, Rotarian- Paul Harris Fellow - Neluka De Alwis, District Youth Service Chairperson- Rotarian Dr. Rohantha Athukorala, District Rotaract Representative- Rotarian- Rotaractor- Past President- Kavindra Kasun Sigera, President for the year 2019/2020- Rotaractor Kumararuban Nanthagopal, Secretary for the year 2019/2020 and President for the year 2020/2021- Rotaractor Evelyn John were invited to take their respective seats at the head table.
Next, the Sergeant-at-arms Rotaractor Manoraj Rajarathnam called the house to order. After this, the National Anthem was played, followed by the flag salutation, Rotaract invocation, Rotary four-way test and the Rotaract song which were delivered by Rotaractor Thulackshy.
The President for the year 2019/2020 then called the 34th Installation
Ceremony of the club to order and the welcome speech was delivered by
the Installation Chairperson Rotaractor Manoraj Rajarathnam. The
secretary's report for the year 2019/2020 was heard next followed by a
speech from the president for the year 2019/2020 on his journey and
memories from last year. He distributed tokens of appreciation to
everyone who had supported him throughout the year.
Next, the most awaited moment for the evening- inducting and collaring of the incoming President, Rotaractor Evelyn John. We heard a speech from the new president on her plans for the club and the new year, after which, she inducted the new board for the year 2020/2021.
Following the induction, the District Rotaract Representative, District
Rotaract Chairperson, District Youth Service Chair and the Chief Guest
shared their valuable thoughts. Tokens of appreciation were distributed
to them by the Immediate Past President, to appreciate the guests for
allocating their time to grace and enlighten the event.
Finally, the vote of thanks was delivered by the secretary for the year
2020/2021 Rotaractor Frank Joseph and the event was successfully
concluded by 6pm after the president for the new year terminated the
34th Installation Ceremony for fellowship and refreshments.