Corona virus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered corona virus. The COVID-19 virus spreads primarily through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes. These droplets are too heavy to hang in the air, so they gradually fall on floors or surfaces. You can be infected by breathing in the virus if you are within close proximity of someone who has COVID-19, or by touching a contaminated surface and then your eyes, nose or mouth.
The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is be well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads.
According to the World Health Organization, 15% of the world population lives with some form of disability. They are the ones who are not only most deprived, but also most neglected. The disabled community is one of the communities, which is worse hit by COVID-19.
The common difficulties faced by People with Disabilities are listed below:
The best way to prevent and slow down transmission is be well informed about the COVID-19 virus, the disease it causes and how it spreads.
According to the World Health Organization, 15% of the world population lives with some form of disability. They are the ones who are not only most deprived, but also most neglected. The disabled community is one of the communities, which is worse hit by COVID-19.
The common difficulties faced by People with Disabilities are listed below:
- They are susceptible to COVID-19 virus relative to others. Regular precautions to be followed as a regular practice can cause them face serious limitations (For instance, regular hand wash).
- Social distancing stands a problem since the differently abled are dependent on others due to psychological constraints. In addition, they will have to regularly visit the hospitals and rehabilitation centers.
- The caretakers may also be reluctant to provide their services due to the quick spread of the virus. People with intellectual impairment will face greater difficulty as they cannot practice or cope with self-isolation.
- The ones with Chronic Illness might face a mental trauma thinking that they won’t be able to get medicines if the supply runs short.
- Employees who will have to work from home may face limitations working that way unlike the others. The visually impaired may also face a high risk in terms that they rely on touch functions for work – increasing their risk of infection.
What can be done?
- An official online portal may be created to circulate information related to the Corona Virus crisis to the differently abled.
- There should be separate rehabilitation and quarantine centers for the disabled population. Special training may be required for health professionals to deal with the differently abled when they are quarantined.
- Access to aid and devices for the disabled must be made available during this lockdown.
- Door-step delivery should be ensured for free or at affordable rates.
- The respective organizations must ensure that these employees have access to facilities to work from home safe.
It is crucial to ensure that amid this pandemic, our decisions on measures to be taken have got the differently abled included. Their situation must not be overlooked which would bring down their inclusive rights and the efforts of the organizations that have supported them so far.
Let us all stand together, show solidarity with the differently abled and overcome this crisis!
Written By:
Rtr. Anshitaa Sekar.
Community Services Director 2019/20.