Parents are the two people we look up to; they are our foundation; the people you can count on; the two souls who loves you the most etc....
We hear these kinds of sayings all the time, especially on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. The only days where we get to see those faces on some of our posts. Let's get real now.
They are OK, until they start nagging you and go “we KNOW-IT-ALL”. You know.
I mean seriously! Mom thinks that you are on your phone all the time and you will get skin cancer. Seriously mom? Skin cancer?
Every time you introduce a friend. They always go into FBI mode. "That kid seems like a trouble", "I think he/she is a bad influence on you" or "I don't like that boy. Look at him. With all that beard and long hair. Like he came out of Jumanji". You know what I mean. We've all heard these.
And OMG their mood swings. Like literally they make you feel like they are lucky to have you as a child one moment. You go to the toilet and get out. Boom! There you go. They are warmed up complaining on every single thing. "I just washed my tea cup and kept it on the rack mom" and mom would be like "yes and it's supposed to be upside down. I don't know how you will survive in this world. What would you do without me?".
And let's get real. No matter what we do. Get good ranks, graduate, get a job, buy a car, buy a house or get settled, they would never be satisfied. There is always some aunt’s son who is better than you. Or there is always that uncle’s daughter who is an angel sent from heaven.
But "MOM", "DAD"!!!!!! " I survived so many problems. I am doing good in life. I know better than you because I am matured. And I surely can take care of my life" you'll say. Let's take a moment to breath before I tell you this.
You can't find your own socks in the morning and you think you KNOW-IT-ALL! Let me ask this. How old are you? On your teens or your 20's? Let me explain. They studied, they worked hard, they fell in love, got married, got settled, gave birth to children and raised them and here they are trying to tell them that they know better than you and haven't you ever wondered that they might actually know better than you? Because for someone who is on their teens or your 20's, if you could think that you have everything figured out; why not them? Who have lived life twice as much as you?
I mean yes! They might not know how to send a "Happy New Year" text to all the aunties and uncles. Like you taught this to your dad two days back and he forgot. But so did you. When you first tried to walk, you fell again and again and again. What if they complained on how they taught you just two days back on how to walk? But they didn't. They held your hand and guided you until you could do it on your own like a champ.
When you meet a new friend and you are BEST FRIENDS FOR LIVES after 2 weeks, you post all the fun pictures with the hash tag #friendshipsgoals and #bestfriendsforlife. Your mom keeps complaining about how he/she is not good and it annoys you. But how many times have those friends used and betrayed you and you think to yourself that MOM was right all along?
What about when you have your mood swings? Where you lash into the house. Go directly to your room. Slam the door and go to bed. You hear your dad saying "did he/she have lunch? And there comes your mom every 15 minutes knocking your door. Ignoring all that, you fall asleep till its late and your stomach is screaming "I need food". And you go open the fridge with the hope of finding biscuits and there you have a plate of yummy food served just for you.
YES, they do compare you to all these aunt’s and uncle’s kids. But have you ever heard how proudly they brag about the things you have achieved in your life, to those same aunts and uncles?
Maybe you are right. They don't KNOW-IT-ALL. But you didn't know anything either when you were born. They took their time and patiently taught you every little thing even if they had mood swings, or had a tiring day or even after getting scolded by the boss or even when they had their own relationship issues and even when things fell apart they kept it together and worked through it so that you could have a family.
No matter how many people betray you, use you or hurt you, when you go back home they are always there to comfort you. Even when you make the biggest mistakes. Even if they be hard on you at first, they will always stand by your side and help you get through it.
So, after all it won't hurt to teach your dad for the 10 billionth time how to send a text. Or go turn the tea cup upside down and understand may be mom is having a bad day. Instead of trying to change them maybe we should all try and accept them for who they are. We do so much for our friends, lovers, colleagues or even our bosses whom we've known for few years. So why not do the same and may be a little more for the two people who sacrificed half of their lives to raise us.
What I'm trying to say is that it's never too late to start. So, maybe we could go put a smile on their faces by letting them know how much we love them before it's too late and be a little more understanding. And I do strongly believe that even though on and off they act like devil's children. They are a gift from heaven. PARENTS are the only two people who loves us unconditionally until their last breath.
We hear these kinds of sayings all the time, especially on Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. The only days where we get to see those faces on some of our posts. Let's get real now.
They are OK, until they start nagging you and go “we KNOW-IT-ALL”. You know.
I mean seriously! Mom thinks that you are on your phone all the time and you will get skin cancer. Seriously mom? Skin cancer?
Every time you introduce a friend. They always go into FBI mode. "That kid seems like a trouble", "I think he/she is a bad influence on you" or "I don't like that boy. Look at him. With all that beard and long hair. Like he came out of Jumanji". You know what I mean. We've all heard these.
And OMG their mood swings. Like literally they make you feel like they are lucky to have you as a child one moment. You go to the toilet and get out. Boom! There you go. They are warmed up complaining on every single thing. "I just washed my tea cup and kept it on the rack mom" and mom would be like "yes and it's supposed to be upside down. I don't know how you will survive in this world. What would you do without me?".
And let's get real. No matter what we do. Get good ranks, graduate, get a job, buy a car, buy a house or get settled, they would never be satisfied. There is always some aunt’s son who is better than you. Or there is always that uncle’s daughter who is an angel sent from heaven.
But "MOM", "DAD"!!!!!! " I survived so many problems. I am doing good in life. I know better than you because I am matured. And I surely can take care of my life" you'll say. Let's take a moment to breath before I tell you this.
You can't find your own socks in the morning and you think you KNOW-IT-ALL! Let me ask this. How old are you? On your teens or your 20's? Let me explain. They studied, they worked hard, they fell in love, got married, got settled, gave birth to children and raised them and here they are trying to tell them that they know better than you and haven't you ever wondered that they might actually know better than you? Because for someone who is on their teens or your 20's, if you could think that you have everything figured out; why not them? Who have lived life twice as much as you?
I mean yes! They might not know how to send a "Happy New Year" text to all the aunties and uncles. Like you taught this to your dad two days back and he forgot. But so did you. When you first tried to walk, you fell again and again and again. What if they complained on how they taught you just two days back on how to walk? But they didn't. They held your hand and guided you until you could do it on your own like a champ.
When you meet a new friend and you are BEST FRIENDS FOR LIVES after 2 weeks, you post all the fun pictures with the hash tag #friendshipsgoals and #bestfriendsforlife. Your mom keeps complaining about how he/she is not good and it annoys you. But how many times have those friends used and betrayed you and you think to yourself that MOM was right all along?
What about when you have your mood swings? Where you lash into the house. Go directly to your room. Slam the door and go to bed. You hear your dad saying "did he/she have lunch? And there comes your mom every 15 minutes knocking your door. Ignoring all that, you fall asleep till its late and your stomach is screaming "I need food". And you go open the fridge with the hope of finding biscuits and there you have a plate of yummy food served just for you.
YES, they do compare you to all these aunt’s and uncle’s kids. But have you ever heard how proudly they brag about the things you have achieved in your life, to those same aunts and uncles?
Maybe you are right. They don't KNOW-IT-ALL. But you didn't know anything either when you were born. They took their time and patiently taught you every little thing even if they had mood swings, or had a tiring day or even after getting scolded by the boss or even when they had their own relationship issues and even when things fell apart they kept it together and worked through it so that you could have a family.
No matter how many people betray you, use you or hurt you, when you go back home they are always there to comfort you. Even when you make the biggest mistakes. Even if they be hard on you at first, they will always stand by your side and help you get through it.
So, after all it won't hurt to teach your dad for the 10 billionth time how to send a text. Or go turn the tea cup upside down and understand may be mom is having a bad day. Instead of trying to change them maybe we should all try and accept them for who they are. We do so much for our friends, lovers, colleagues or even our bosses whom we've known for few years. So why not do the same and may be a little more for the two people who sacrificed half of their lives to raise us.
What I'm trying to say is that it's never too late to start. So, maybe we could go put a smile on their faces by letting them know how much we love them before it's too late and be a little more understanding. And I do strongly believe that even though on and off they act like devil's children. They are a gift from heaven. PARENTS are the only two people who loves us unconditionally until their last breath.
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