A generation refers to all of the people born and living at about the same time. The categorization I have used for this discussion is based on the “Strauss- Howe” generation theory. However, please note that this is subjective and can change based on the different classifications/ theories used.
- The lost generation – This includes people born within 1883 to 1900. This generation came of age during World War I. They got this name due to their aimless, reckless and self-centered behavior which was mainly due to the post war impact on the society.
- The greatest generation (1901-1927) - This generation includes the veterans who fought in World War II and came of age during the Greatest Depression. They got this name because it was said, these men and women did not fight for fame or recognition but because they believed that it was the “right thing to do”.
- The silent generation (1928- 1945) – They are also referred to as the “Lucky Few”. They have this name because they were raised during a period of war and economic depression. They are a generation recognized for upholding their values, displaying strong loyalty to their personal beliefs and possess a strong work ethic. They were raised in an era free from technology and absent from many of the privileges that we enjoy today. Since this generation grew up in an environment where a global war and economic setback was existent, they show greater appreciation for family, the smaller things in life and gratitude.
- The baby boomers (1946-1964) – They are also called Generation W or the “Me Generation”. They are called baby boomers because of the increased birth rates that were observed after World War II. During this period, almost 77 million babies were born in the US alone. This significant increase is mainly because people started the families they had put off during World War II and the Great Depression. This generation is also the longest living generation.
- Generation X (1965- 1980) – This is the smallest generation and the first generation to have looked into work-life balance. They are independent, resourceful and self-sufficient. They were the first generation to have experienced music videos as teenagers. Presently, members of this group are approaching the middle of their working careers and potential peak.
- Millennial (1981-1996) – They are also known as Generation Y. They are well educated and better connected. They feel powerful among themselves. They are less religious and are getting married later and have less children when they do. They are confident, ambitious and achievement oriented. They also have high expectations of their employers and aren’t afraid to question authority. This generation has a sense of selflessness and strong core value of team work. They think they are going to change the world and believe they are going to do it.
- Generation Z (1997-2012) – This generation has used digital technology since a young age and are comfortable with the internet and social media. Some common names used to refer this generation includes iGeneration, Gen Tech, Net Gen. They are said to be less resilient and more prone to taking offence than previous generations. The oldest of this generation are high school interns and looking to graduate over the next two years. This generation identifies themselves as loyal, compassionate, thoughtful, open-minded, responsible and determined whereas they view their peers as competitive, spontaneous, adventuresome, and curious- traits they don’t see in themselves.
- Generation Alpha (2013-2025) – They got this name because they are the first generation to be wholly born in the 21st century. This generation has grown up and is growing up using smartphones and tablets as part of their childhood entertainment. This generation is also most likely to delay marriage, childbirth, and retirements as did the previous few generation. It is predicted that they will live longer and have smaller families.
From the above classifications, we can see that there are various opinions and views of the different generations that are present in the society. However, the most important question we need to ask ourselves today is how comparable are they? Does it mean that one generation doesn’t possess the same characteristic as another generation or that all members of the same generation share the same set of characteristics?
It says some generations don’t like to interact with other generations, is this always true? Do they always not like it?
Well, here are more search results you come across when you Google the different generations;
Baby boomers- some think they are conservative, racists and so stupid, while Generation X being the smallest generation are an angry and frustrated set of individuals and they don’t really get along with the baby boomers. They are a stressed and depressed generation.
Looking at the Millennials- they are obsessed with food, selective, lazy and think they are important.
Here’s a scary piece of information to Gen Z, we are screwed!!
Living in a multi-generation society, sometimes we fail to understand that every individual is different and people are people. Everyone needs flexibility, everyone likes a good cup of coffee, we are not looking at generations, we are looking at humans- people.
I have come across 70 year olds who enjoy texting and playing games on tabs and 14 year olds who are passionate about engaging in household chores.
To understand how different an individual is, it is important for us to look at the ‘onliness’ of an individual. This is the function of our lives’ unique history and hopes, but to do this, we require some flexibility and curiosity, only then we can understand,