“All the gods, all the heavens, all the hell are within you”
- Joseph Campbell -
As humans, we have seen and/or heard about the best and worst of mankind, some of us are still learning and some are yet to learn. Learning and accepting are the hardest parts, its not easy but it is important.
We are all stuck in this “rat –race” of life trying to find ourselves a secure place and position for our future that we fail to forget what is with us in the present.
But now, look around you, think about it, is our future guaranteed?
Do we know what is going to happen tomorrow?
Then why all this negativity, hatred and anger? Why not some laughter, gratefulness and kindness, for little things bring great joy… Here are a few things I enjoy doing:
- Spend an extra 15 minutes in bed in the morning, just before you wake up
- Having your cup of milk/ tea/ coffee in peace (Crouched up on the sofa/ bed- that’s how I prefer it)
- Chopping some vegetables for your mom/ whoever cooks in the family
- Smile at your family members
- Turn on the music and dance
- Watering plants
- Giving food to the needy
- Draw or doodle (however you prefer- its your art)
Trust me it can bring joy, gives immense relaxation and adds more meaning to your life. You deserve it, we all deserve it!!
Dalai Lama when asked what surprised him most about humanity, answered,
“Man…..Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present. The result being that he does not live in the present or the future. He lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived….”
Here’s the next thing, we don’t have time for this right???
Well, how about now? You have got all the time in the world now, just pause for a moment and slow down…..
Think about what you enjoy doing in life, it doesn’t have to be anything grand or extra ordinary, just little things. Learn to love and care for yourself (self-love), only then you can love others- it spreads.
Written By:
Rtr. Dhatchaiyani Dhayaparan.