Way Forward

Way Forward 2019 – an orientation program for the Prospective Members of the Rotaract Club of Wellawatte, was successfully on December 08, 2019 from 11am to 12:30 noon and 7pm to 8:30pm. The project focused on iterating the newly joined prospective members on the Rotaract background and on how one could contribute to this world by being part of this large community and benefit themselves. The event started with an ice breaker session where the participants were given a bottle full of pebbles and were asked to take as much as they want. Thereafter the facilitator (Rtr. Christina) had a set of questions for each colors of the pebbles. Hence, the participants answered questions according to the color of the pebble they have received. The questions were mainly focused on getting to know the member much better. After the ice breaker session, our main facilitator and our Club Services Director Rtr. Frank explained about what Rotaract is all about. The four main avenues of Rotaract were briefly explained to the prospective members and the experience of the projects completed by Rotaract Club of Wellawatte were shared to understand the benefits offered to the society and experience gained personally as well. Afterwards, our facilitator Rtr. Christina conducted another game session. Thereafter, Rtr. Evelyn explained about the District Citation Requirements, what we have achieved so far, the year plan, About the sustainable development goals, Rotary six areas of focus and how a project report is done. At the end of the session each prospective member was allowed to pick an avenue and given a task to come up with a project idea on the respective avenue. Behind the success of this Club Service project, stood our enthusiastic club members backed by the project chair person who coordinated everything smoothly. A sense of accomplishment was felt as a result of the efforts put in by all throughout, both before and during the event. Way forward was conducted in two different time slots (morning and evening) in order to according to the availability of all the prospective members
