Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone. Rotaract Club of Wellawatte took privilege in sharing the spirit of Christmas with the wider community for the fourth consecutive year with the aim of spreading love and kindness in this season of giving. ‘Gifts of Hope’ was held on December 21, 2019 from 4pm onwards at The Sir James and Lady Peiris Cheshire Home in Mount Lavinia. This year transforming from the usual trend of visiting a Children’s Home, Rotaract Club of Wellawatte became the Secret Santa for the Elderly individuals who are severely and permanently handicapped. This home for the differently-abled consists both the not so young and the old residents, male and female who depend on the support and encouragement received from friends and well-wishers. In order to light up their Christmas Season, Rotaract Club of Wellawatte took the initiative of inviting Mr. Ishan Jalill who is also a differently-abled individual and a very familiar face as well as ‘the favorite person’ of the residents of the Cheshire Home due to a motivational session project organized by our club prior. Members of the club were present at the venue by 3:30pm in order to arrange the place. The event began by singing a known Christmas Carol “Long time ago in Bethlehem” by our guest and all the individuals took part in singing along with him. The day was full of singing and dancing sessions by the guests as well as an entertaining character called G A Lakshman Amarawansa – very well known as ‘Amara’ by everyone who is also a resident of Cheshire Home. Apart from the entertaining activities, we were also able to collect donations in order to purchase eatables as well as night gowns and sarongs to the residents of the home. Overall we spent some quality time with the elders which reflects in the aim of this project “Spreading Love and Kindness” with the pure hope of providing the assurance that a random person can make a change in their life or care for them. We as a team created hope in these beautiful souls to show them they matter just like anyone else. Being a part of this project provided a chance for all the members to interact with the new and prospective members. It was also a wonderful time for all who participated enjoyed as much as the elders did. Our presence was their present.