This project was held on the 12th of October in commemoration of the elders’ day which was on the 01st of October. A medical checkup for the elders was also organized as part of the project. At the end of the project we shared some food and tea with the elders and the staffs. So many of our elderly population are forgotten about or disregarded. As youngsters it is our duty to appreciate the contributions that older people make to the society. In general, elders have done a lot to their children and they do not expect any appreciation for the effort they put in. For this they need some recognition and appreciation.
Hence, the Rotaract Club of Wellawatte took an initiative of visiting this Elder’s Home and spend some quality time with them and show them our gratitude. We as a team created hope in these beautiful souls to show they matter just like anyone. We managed to fulfill the good health and well-being of the elderly in order to give a sustainable growth for this initiative. We learned many valuable life lessons by interacting with them and they were pleased by our gesture of spending our time with them. They felt the assurance of a random stranger caring and mutually understanding them.
Hence, the Rotaract Club of Wellawatte took an initiative of visiting this Elder’s Home and spend some quality time with them and show them our gratitude. We as a team created hope in these beautiful souls to show they matter just like anyone. We managed to fulfill the good health and well-being of the elderly in order to give a sustainable growth for this initiative. We learned many valuable life lessons by interacting with them and they were pleased by our gesture of spending our time with them. They felt the assurance of a random stranger caring and mutually understanding them.