‘Game of Clubs’ is a Joint Project initiated by the Rotaract Club of Panadura. The Project comprises of inviting three clubs from the Rotaract District 3220 every month. Hence, the Game of Clubs- Volume 1 was completed on the 30th of September 2017 in partnership with the Rotaract Clubs of Battaramulla, Wellawatte and Centennial United. The project signifies the importance of fellowship within the other Rotaract Clubs of Rotaract District 3220 because it is what drives this organization into greater heights. Game of Clubs Volume in its name underlines the projects cause. It is a project that consists of various types of outdoor games that highlights, â€oeTeam work, Time Management, Patience, Communication which all describes on a proper leader and how to support a leader.
Conducting projects in this caliber portrays the talents of another member and creating friendships that would act as the main foundation of future Community service/ Professional Development/International service and Club service projects. The plan of the project is to invite 3 clubs every month and continue the Volume of the project at the end of the year and result in the entire club getting know the entire members of another club not restricting to the secretary and presidents. Create a bond not only between the Secretary and President of the clubs but also between the members of all clubs. This in term results everyone knowing Rotaractors in the Rotaract forum of District 3220. This is to also highlight the main facts of Team work, Time management, Communication and Patience through practical sessions like games which would be more impactful compared to conducting seminars or lectures. Objective was also to make sure Rotaract Panadura builds friendship between a lot of clubs as much as possible during the tenure of this 2017/2018 year.