Cluster 05

The Rotaract Clubs of AoD, Badulla, BMS, Colombo Regent, Edulink, Katugastota Region, KDU, Manipay & Wellawatte focused on three main Sustainable Development Goals, that is Good Health & Well Being, Life On Land and Decent Work & Economic Growth.

The clubs brought to light the above-mentioned SDGs through a seminar which will center around sexual abuse faced daily in a common environment. The clubs have identified that the demographic most exposed to a situation revolving around sexual abuse and are not aware of how to prevent such a situation is school goers from ages 12 – 18. Therefore, the clubs invited Interact Club members under the Rotary family to participate in the seminar to be conducted by the local Officer In Charge of the Women’s and Children’s bureau, an experienced and skilled individual on the topic at hand. The clubs do understand that the audience of children at the seminar may not be exposed to such harsh and harrowing situations but do believe that to be informed of such situations where children who are less fortunate and of the same age are exposed to such abuse may assist to make the school children aware regarding the extremity of the situation faced and the immense importance in the actions taken to prevent such situations. The children will be informed of a general idea of sexual abuse, and will be informed of methods in which to have easy access to counselling and relevant support such as legal and psychological support.

The project had two phases and the seminar will took place on one day and the children were taken through a 2-hour workshop in the afternoon. The OIC as mentioned above, will conducted the seminar in full. The Rotaract clubs’ representatives presented to oversee the proceedings and assist with the seminar when required. An interactive Q&A session after the seminar took place to respond to any enquiries the children may have regarding the topic of the seminar. The project took place in two places. The first phase was conducted at an orphanage and children’s home in Ja-Ella and the second phase was conducted at a school in Badulla.