Bollywood Night is a celebration of Bollywood Music and Dance organized by the Rotaract Club of Wellawatte and the Rotaract Club of Colombo Fort for the fourth consecutive year happened on the 11th of May 2018 at the GSH, Colombo 6. The night began with all the ladies present at the event treating themselves with a mehandi art to accentuate their best desi attire. After the mehandi was dry and all were set for a great night ahead, the event officially began with the welcome speech and the acknowledgement of the presence of the DRR Rtr. PP. Anuradha Senanayake and the District Club Service Director Rtr. IPP. Oshadha Abhayasundara.
Amidst the flashing and posing, the first game for the night – the “balloon dance” was announced. The game was a great ice breaker as pairs of many who were present was brought to the dance floor to compete while the rest cheered on the competitors. After awarding the gifts to the winners of the balloon dance, the second game of the night – paper dancing began. The game was set to be challenging for the pairs who competed and exciting for all the observers. Despite the challenging nature of the game, with a little bit of flexibility and a lot of cheering, the game ended with a winning couple.
After the challenging games, all who were present were treated to some mouthwatering sherbet and Indian food, while being served with an assortment of Bollywood music to which everyone danced to their hearts content. It was a well Spent an evening with many new-found friends in Rotaract as the night ended with people slowly leaving with great memories to cherish by engaging rotaract and redefining friendship in Desi Style.