The Rotaract Club of Wellawatte had a PD project focusing on its current members - old, new and prospective to re-introduce the concept of Rotaract to all current club members to validate their purpose of being in the club and the Rotaract organization in general. The main topics discussed were Leadership and Relationships, Commitment, Resources and Finances. The project idea was proposed was proposed by past president Fazim immediately after our club’s installation ceremony. After deciding on a suitable date with all present it was decided to have the meeting at Royal Skills Center on the 24th of July, 2016.
Past president Fazim started of the session with introductions around
the table and then went straight into his discussion of the following
topics Leadership and Relationships, Commitment, Resources and Finances
with the aid of a PowerPoint presentation. The session was very
interactive with participants making full use of the knowledge and
experience of the past Rotaract members who were present there along
with PP. Fazim.