‘One Family’ is a project idea to involve the members’ family with the Rotaract family. We decided to be a part of our member’s family event by volunteering in planning and arrangements of their family function. This helped us to get closer and create a strong bond and belief with their parents. For now we have completed 2 volumes of this project, where we helped and planned the surprise 25th anniversary of two of our members’ parents. It was a successful event planning and happy moments as a family.
Volume 1 was done in Jaffna. Volume 2 happened in Colombo. We made it possible with 2 families from different culture and backgrounds. It was a happy continuation of a successful journey with love and care.
We achieved to improve the bond between the club and the parents. Have a long lasting relationship as a family to serve better. Make the parents believe that all are capable of service and working together for betterment.