"Home Alone" was an initiative organised by the Rotaractors of Cluster 5, which comprised of the Rotaract Clubs of Badulla, Edulink, KDU, Kurunegala, Manipay, University of Moratuwa and Wellawatte.
The main focus of this initiative was to provide a practical workshop for all the Rotaractors to enhance their knowledge on certain key areas, which can come handy in their day to day lives.
As the name implies, the workshop was mainly on the areas of activities that we would least expect to face while we are home alone. Hence this workshop gave an opportunity for the Rotaractors to learn, gain knowledge on how to face or tackle-up an unexpected situation as mentioned above.
"Home Alone" brought the attention to 5 different areas of focus:
1. Automobile (Eg: How to change a tyre in a car)
2. Electricity (Eg: How to deal with wiring)
3. Plumbing and Drainage (Eg: How to repair a leaked pipeline)
4. Simple Construction (Eg: How to make a cement mixture)